
Solar system

At Mære, three solar cell systems have been installed on the roof; the suckling cowshed, the dormitories and the stables. The facility at the suckling cow barn is a roof-integrated facility. The solar cells form an integral part of the roof itself. In the dormitories, the solar cells are placed on top of the existing roof. The facility at...
Varmegjenvinning fra melketanken

Heat recovery from the milk tank

When we built a new milk barn at Mære in 2016, we installed heat recovery on our milk tank. A heat exchanger on the milk tank makes it possible to recover heat that we take out of the milk during cooling. We use the energy to heat water which we can use for the milking robot and...
Landbruket som energiprodusent

Agriculture as an energy producer

Agriculture in Trøndelag has the potential to supply as much as 2,200 GWh of energy. If we disregard bioheat, the potential is still a full 900 GWh. This is higher than the consumption of energy in the industry. Trøndelag Research and Development has carried out a study commissioned by Mære...