Bytte til LED-lys i husdyrrom

Bytte til LED-lys i husdyrrom

I de fleste bygninger er det en form for damplamper, lysstoffrør eller halogen, ogelv om det er godt lysutbytte fra dem, er LED etter hvert blitt så mye bedre. Skifte av lysarmaturer fra gamle typer til moderne LED kan spare ca. 50% av energien. Nye armaturer er ofte...
Redusert dieselforbruk

Reduced diesel consumption

Diesel consumption on the farm comes from driving tractors or combines. In addition, it can be used for heating, but we are not looking at that here. Biodiesel is an alternative, but the price has so far been too high. Economical driving Several tests have shown that you can manage...
Klimatiltak gjødsling

Climate measures fertilization

When we do crop production, we will lose some nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Nitrous oxide is formed in the soil when it is wet and the soil contains a lot of nitrogen. Methane is released when manure is stored and to a small extent directly from the soil. Carbon Dioxide...