by Tove Hatling Jystad | Dec 19, 2024 | Biochar, Methane reduction, The zero emission farm
Masterstudenten Svein Wara har undersøkt effekten av biokull i melkefôring til kalver i sin masteroppgave som ble levert våren 2024. Svein har vært student ved Nord universitet i Steinkjer, og har jobbet med biokull og kalv i sitt studieløp. Forsøket ble gjennomført i...
by Tove Hatling Jystad | Dec 18, 2024 | Biogas, Biochar, Composting, The zero emission farm
I forbindelse med forskningsprosjektet RESTORE, gjorde vi en analyse av alt av organisk avfall – eller rettere sagt ressurser – på Mære landbruksskole. Målet var å få en bedre oversikt over de ressursene vi har som kan brukes i kompost, biokull-anlegg...
by Tove Hatling Jystad | Oct 17, 2024 | Energy measures, The zero emission farm
The zero emission farm is our vision. But is it possible to achieve zero emissions from a farm? At Mære and Skjetlein, we test and demonstrate new possible solutions. There is no easy path to zero emissions, but with this vision we are moving in the right direction. At a lunchtime webinar on June 4...
by Tove Hatling Jystad | Apr 3, 2024 | Energy measures, Front page, The climate game, The zero emission farm
How can I as a farmer reduce climate emissions from my farm? Finding practical and profitable ways to reduce climate emissions can be challenging. We are now working to develop a climate game where you can create your own plan for climate measures on the farm. Hear more about...
by Tove Hatling Jystad | Mar 19, 2024 | Biochar, Front page, Green plants, Carbon storage, The zero emission farm
In the greenhouse at Mære agricultural school, very special radishes and spinach are harvested. The reason why the radishes and spinach are special is because the soil in which they have grown has been supplemented with different types and amounts of biochar. Here we have made biochar from seaweed,...