Vi bygger i tre

We build in wood

Building in wood provides a major climate benefit. When we were going to build a new dairy barn, it was a matter of course that as much of the building as possible should be made of wood. - There was never any question about whether we should build in wood when we started planning a new dairy barn in 2015. We wanted to...
Jordforbedrende vekster

Soil improving plants

At Mære, we have over several years carried out practical testing with the sowing of various catch crops in grain with a view to soil improvement and the capture of excess nutrients. The sowing has been done at different times and with different equipment (weed harrow with sowing unit and drone). The challenge has…

Shifting cultivation

The growth cycle at Mære consists of 3-5 years of meadow and 1 year of barley. We also have ryegrass, potatoes, oats and green growth in the growth transition on parts of the area. In meadow years, we often use extra meadow seed to keep good plant growth. After agriculture became more specialized in...
Hva er biokull?

What is biochar?

Biochar is charcoal that is produced by heating biomass such as wood chips and straw at high heat and limited access to oxygen. The process is called pyrolysis. By adding biochar to the soil, the soil's properties are improved in many areas. Biocoal has the following...