Transport av rå biogass

Transport of raw biogas

Can the production of raw gas on several farm plants with the transport of raw gas to upgrading plants be an alternative to large biogas plants with their own upgrading plants? This was the question we asked NORSØK and SINTEF in 2021. There is an increasing desire for facilities for...
Kraftfôrforsøk i grisehuset

Concentrated feed trials in the pig house

In the piggery at Mære, we are conducting trials with new FORMAT concentrated feed for lactating sows on behalf of Felleskjøpet Agri and Felleskjøpet Fôrtvikling. These experiments are ongoing. In 2013, the joint purchase launched a completely new concept of feed for sows, based on...

The pig promise

The trial is part of the research project "Griseløftet" which is funded by the Research funds for agriculture and the food industry. Nortura is the project manager for the research project while NMBU is the responsible R&D partner, in addition Felleskjøpet, Fjøssystemer and Norsvin...

The Longevity Project 

This is a project managed by Norsvin, the company responsible for pig breeding in Norway. Norwegian pigs are at the forefront of breeding in a world context, a lot of Norwegian pig genes are exported abroad. The aim of the project is to find properties that are important for...