
Biochar can be made from many fine materials

In the greenhouse at Mære agricultural school, very special radishes and spinach are harvested. The reason why the radishes and spinach are special is because the soil in which they have grown has been supplemented with different types and amounts of biochar. Here we have made biochar from seaweed, tomato plants, chips and twigs.

1,500 pots of spinach and radish have now been harvested after participating in the growth trial. Biochar is charred biomass that occurs through incomplete combustion at high temperatures without or with little access to oxygen.

SINTEF is leading the experiment where the purpose has been to see how the different types of biochar affect plant growth. It will be particularly interesting to see if we can use seaweed biochar for plants.

To harvest the 1,500 pots of radish and spinach, we received good help from students at NTNU together with Sam Wiseman from SINTEF, who is mainly responsible for the experiment. Thank you very much for your help and have a nice day! We eagerly await the results!

19 March 2024

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