
Bygging av biogassanlegg

Prosjektleder Ingvar Kvande i NORSØK har lang erfaring i prosjektering av gårdsanlegg for biogass og har i prosjektet «Transport av rå biogass» (2021) bidratt til å lage a reference work for anyone thinking of establishing a plant . 

This report deals with the preliminary design of a farm biogas plant and is intended to act as a reference work for those thinking of establishing their own plant. Establishing a farm biogas plant is relatively extensive, and there is a need to make a detailed survey of the resource base and the possibilities for using produced energy and bioresidue. One must particularly consider the infrastructure for fertilizer up to the outlet to the biogas plant, as this is the most important basis for possible production.

There are a number of differences between suppliers and the solutions they offer. Therefore, request references and/or assessments for the points listed in this document.  

Establishing a farm biogas plant also requires dealing with many different public bodies with many different requirements that must be met. The requirements and step by step which bodies and clarifications are made are structured.

5. March 2025

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