

Fibergrow® is a growth medium based on wood fiber from Norwegian spruce. Fibergrow® has a low climate footprint, and with small changes in the cultivation strategy can be used in the same way as known substrates. Fibergrow is supplied as loose fiber or mats, and is manufactured by Hunton...
Felleskjøpet Fôrutvikling

Joint purchase Fodder development

Felleskjøpet Fôrutvikling conducts feeding trials on all production animals and has its own trial barns for dairy cows and fattening pigs. In addition, national and European research institutions and dedicated livestock producers are used as experimental hosts. The joint purchase has since...


Geno is a breeding company that breeds and develops the NRF (Norwegian Red Fe) population in Norway. They distribute cattle genetics in the form of semen and embryos to cattle producers both nationally and internationally. Read more: Geno "Mære Landbruksskole still...
NTE Marked

NTE Market

NTE is a Trønder-owned renewables company that has produced and delivered green and renewable energy to its customers for over a hundred years. NTE supplies electricity to customers all over the country. In addition to supplying electricity to 200,000 individual users, NTE also supplies fiber internet to 130...


Orkel develops and manufactures innovative, profitable and solid agricultural machines and industrial machines. Orkel. Photo: Kirsti Mehlum "Orkel chose Innolab Mære for testing because we wanted to spend less time on planning and implementation. Close by...


Agdir's solutions give you a full overview of the growing conditions of your crop. It is very important to be able to make the best decisions for your production at all times. By combining different sensor technology and smart software, you get a full overview of...