by Tove Hatling Jystad | Dec 18, 2024 | Biogas, Biochar, Front page, Composting, The zero emission farm
I forbindelse med forskningsprosjektet RESTORE, gjorde vi en analyse av alt av organisk avfall – eller rettere sagt ressurser – på Mære landbruksskole. Målet var å få en bedre oversikt over de ressursene vi har som kan brukes i kompost, biokull-anlegg...
by Berit Fix | June 17, 2024 | Biogas, Biochar, Energy measures, R&D, Green plants, Domestic animals, Carbon storage, The climate game, Composting, Methane reduction, Natural diversity, The zero emission farm
The zero emission farm is our vision! That is why we have established Landbrukets climate and energy center as an arena for research and development in agriculture. From 1 January 2023, the center has been expanded to apply to both natural farming schools, Mære landbruksskole and Skjetlein upper secondary...
by Tove Hatling Jystad | Mar 24, 2023 | Biogas, Biochar, Carbon storage, Composting
How can we handle old silos, tallow and horse dung, grass residues, animal manure and tomato residues from the greenhouse in the most sustainable way possible? In RESTORE, we look at how we can utilize biochar, biogas, compost as technologies for a more sustainable handling....
by Tove Hatling Jystad | Mar 23, 2023 | Biogas
Can the production of raw gas on several farm plants with the transport of raw gas to upgrading plants be an alternative to large biogas plants with their own upgrading plants? This was the question we asked NORSØK and SINTEF in 2021. There is an increasing desire for facilities for...