Jordkarbonets hemmeligheter

The secrets of soil carbon

Some of the country's leading researchers on soil carbon, soil microbes and biochar were presenters at the webinar The secrets of soil carbon - about carbon sequestration, biochar and R&D on 3 June 2020. We wanted to show what we know and what we don't know about how we can sequester more.. .
Hva er biokull?

What is biochar?

Biochar is charcoal that is produced by heating biomass such as wood chips and straw at high heat and limited access to oxygen. The process is called pyrolysis. By adding biochar to the soil, the soil's properties are improved in many areas. Biocoal has the following...
Biokull er et karbonlager

Biochar is a carbon store

Biochar is the collective term for charred biomass that occurs through incomplete combustion at high temperatures without or with little access to oxygen. Biochar can look like barbecue charcoal and is made by heating organic material to 400-700 °C with little access...