Vi bygger i tre

We build in wood

Building in wood provides a major climate benefit. When we were going to build a new dairy barn, it was a matter of course that as much of the building as possible should be made of wood. - There was never any question about whether we should build in wood when we started planning a new dairy barn in 2015. We wanted to...
Varmegjenvinning fra melketanken

Heat recovery from the milk tank

When we built a new milk barn at Mære in 2016, we installed heat recovery on our milk tank. A heat exchanger on the milk tank makes it possible to recover heat that we take out of the milk during cooling. We use the energy to heat water which we can use for the milking robot and...
Landbruket som energiprodusent

Agriculture as an energy producer

Agriculture in Trøndelag has the potential to supply as much as 2,200 GWh of energy. If we disregard bioheat, the potential is still a full 900 GWh. This is higher than the consumption of energy in the industry. Trøndelag Research and Development has carried out a study commissioned by Mære...
Nullutslippsgården i ZEN

The zero-emission farm in ZEN

Our ambition is to approach zero emissions from our farm operation. Through close collaboration with various knowledge communities, we will in the coming years work towards zero emissions both in buildings, in terms of energy use, measures in the barn and measures out in the fields. Mære is a pilot area in ZEN (Zero Emission...