Fornybar diesel på traktor

Renewable diesel on tractor

For a year, farmers at Innherred have run their tractors on renewable diesel. They have participated in a field test of renewable diesel. The farmers' experiences together with motor oil samples have been an important part of the project "Clean renewable diesel in agriculture". The project's...
Redusert dieselforbruk

Reduced diesel consumption

Diesel consumption on the farm comes from driving tractors or combines. In addition, it can be used for heating, but we are not looking at that here. Biodiesel is an alternative, but the price has so far been too high. Economical driving Several tests have shown that you can manage...
Bioenergi fra skogen

Bioenergy from the forest

Forest fuel is trunks, branches, tops, bark and whole trees. Wood has traditionally been the most important fuel from the forest. In recent years, many heating plants have been built in the country using wood chips as an energy carrier. The supply chain from the forest to the heating plant has become...