Rapport for 2023

Report for 2023

The zero emission farm is our vision! That is why we have established Landbrukets climate and energy center as an arena for research and development in agriculture. From 1 January 2023, the center has been expanded to apply to both natural farming schools, Mære landbruksskole and Skjetlein upper secondary...
Jordkarbonets hemmeligheter

The secrets of soil carbon

Some of the country's leading researchers on soil carbon, soil microbes and biochar were presenters at the webinar The secrets of soil carbon - about carbon sequestration, biochar and R&D on 3 June 2020. We wanted to show what we know and what we don't know about how we can sequester more.. .
Jordforbedrende vekster

Soil improving plants

At Mære, we have over several years carried out practical testing with the sowing of various catch crops in grain with a view to soil improvement and the capture of excess nutrients. The sowing has been done at different times and with different equipment (weed harrow with sowing unit and drone). The challenge has…

Shifting cultivation

The growth cycle at Mære consists of 3-5 years of meadow and 1 year of barley. We also have ryegrass, potatoes, oats and green growth in the growth transition on parts of the area. In meadow years, we often use extra meadow seed to keep good plant growth. After agriculture became more specialized in...