by Tove Hatling Jystad | Mar 25, 2023 | Author bio, Carbon storage
In the brochure Our soil and carbon storage, we will take a closer look at the organic material in the soil, and the importance it has for building up a fertile soil. Increased carbon storage in agricultural soil is considered an important climate measure both nationally and internationally. Increase in...
by Tove Hatling Jystad | Mar 24, 2023 | Author bio, Green plants, Carbon storage
At Mære, we have over several years carried out practical testing with the sowing of various catch crops in grain with a view to soil improvement and the capture of excess nutrients. The sowing has been done at different times and with different equipment (weed harrow with sowing unit and drone). The challenge has…
by Tove Hatling Jystad | Mar 24, 2023 | Author bio, Green plants, Carbon storage
The growth cycle at Mære consists of 3-5 years of meadow and 1 year of barley. We also have ryegrass, potatoes, oats and green growth in the growth transition on parts of the area. In meadow years, we often use extra meadow seed to keep good plant growth. After agriculture became more specialized in...
by Tove Hatling Jystad | Mar 24, 2023 | Author bio, Carbon storage, Composting
On the farm, we have a lot of organic waste, e.g. tallow, fodder residues and residues from the tomato plants. We want to take care of these remains and turn them into good soil in a compost. Composting requires good knowledge to be successful and we have obtained professional resources from Sogn to...
by Ingrid Gauslaa Hårstad | Mar 24, 2023 | Carbon storage
In order to counteract climate and environmental threats, agriculture must rethink the world over. Regenerative agriculture is an important measure in this respect. It is a method of giving new life to the soil. Farmers in Australia, the USA, Africa and many other countries have adopted methods where...
by Tove Hatling Jystad | Mar 24, 2023 | Author bio, Domestic animals, Carbon storage
Studies from other countries indicate that grazing leads to increased storage of carbon in pasture. This applies particularly to natural pastures. The pastures must not be plowed and they must be managed without the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Over time, this will lead to great biodiversity...