Rapport for 2023

Report for 2023

The zero emission farm is our vision! That is why we have established Landbrukets climate and energy center as an arena for research and development in agriculture. From 1 January 2023, the center has been expanded to apply to both natural farming schools, Mære landbruksskole and Skjetlein upper secondary...
Klimatiltak i grisefjøset

Climate measures in the pig barn

The climate footprint of pig production is mainly from the feed. The pig is not a ruminant and does not produce much methane as cattle do. Handling of fertilizer can mean a lot, both storage and spreading will affect the loss of nitrogen and the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide. One of...
Klimaspillet forslag til læreren

Climate game suggestions for the teacher

In working with the game for the students, we first think that they need to get a little familiar with navigation and pages. The students can then change and see what is happening in relation to the climate footprint on the farm. As a final task, they can immerse themselves in one or more of the measures to...
Bytte til LED-lys i husdyrrom

Bytte til LED-lys i husdyrrom

I de fleste bygninger er det en form for damplamper, lysstoffrør eller halogen, ogelv om det er godt lysutbytte fra dem, er LED etter hvert blitt så mye bedre. Skifte av lysarmaturer fra gamle typer til moderne LED kan spare ca. 50% av energien. Nye armaturer er ofte...