
Biogas production in agriculture

When organic material breaks down without access to oxygen (anaerobic conditions), biogas is formed. Some biogas is therefore formed by the breakdown of bottom sediments in lakes, in wetland areas (e.g. in marshy areas), and by the breakdown of fodder in the rumen of livestock. Biogas...
Solceller i landbruket 

Solar cells in agriculture 

Solar cells convert solar energy directly into electrical energy. The energy can be used directly in electrical appliances, stored in batteries, or transported to the consumer via the transmission network. Local production of electrical energy has become increasingly interesting...
Bioenergi fra skogen

Bioenergy from the forest

Forest fuel is trunks, branches, tops, bark and whole trees. Wood has traditionally been the most important fuel from the forest. In recent years, many heating plants have been built in the country using wood chips as an energy carrier. The supply chain from the forest to the heating plant has become...