by Tove Hatling Jystad | Dec 19, 2024 | Biochar, Methane reduction, The zero emission farm
Masterstudenten Svein Wara har undersøkt effekten av biokull i melkefôring til kalver i sin masteroppgave som ble levert våren 2024. Svein har vært student ved Nord universitet i Steinkjer, og har jobbet med biokull og kalv i sitt studieløp. Forsøket ble gjennomført i...
by Berit Fix | June 17, 2024 | Biogas, Biochar, Energy measures, R&D, Green plants, Domestic animals, Carbon storage, The climate game, Composting, Methane reduction, Natural diversity, The zero emission farm
The zero emission farm is our vision! That is why we have established Landbrukets climate and energy center as an arena for research and development in agriculture. From 1 January 2023, the center has been expanded to apply to both natural farming schools, Mære landbruksskole and Skjetlein upper secondary...
by Berit Fix | March 4, 2024 | Domestic animals, Methane reduction, The zero emission farm
Hva er dette?Opptak av arrangementet «Metanhemmere med Harald Volden og Eirik Selmer-Olsen» som ble arrangert av Grønt kompetansesenter Mære-Skjetlein 1. februar 2024. På Mære landbruksskole ble det sommeren 2023 utført et forsøk med metanhemmeren 3NOP i...
by Berit Fix | Sep 25, 2023 | Biochar, Author bio, R&D, Domestic animals, Methane reduction, The zero emission farm
We are constantly working to reduce greenhouse gases here at the Zero Emission Farm on Mære. One of the experiments carried out in this field concerns biochar and animal manure. We asked ourselves: Can we make a cover of biochar in the livestock manure warehouse and thus reduce...
by Tove Hatling Jystad | Mar 24, 2023 | Domestic animals, Carbon storage, Methane reduction
On behalf of Mære agricultural school, NIBIO has prepared a report on which measures may be relevant to implement to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from the farm operations at Mære agricultural school. The report is part of the project "Nullspällingsgården Mære". Data from...
by Tove Hatling Jystad | Mar 24, 2023 | Domestic animals, Methane reduction
The breeding company Geno is breeding a dairy cow with less methane emissions. "The climate contribution could perhaps be as much as 10% lower emissions from milk production over a 10-year period, and if we succeed, we can reduce emissions that constitute a significant contribution of agriculture's overall...