
Electric boiler

The electric boiler will heat water or air directly with electrical energy, the utilization of the energy is good and can be a simple and good measure if we want to replace fossil heat sources. The climate effect depends a lot on how we assess the origin of the electricity used and possibly what kind of heat source it replaces. Another challenge is whether there is enough electricity available on the farm or whether a new transformer or new lines are needed.

9 March 2023

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Rapport for 2023

Report for 2023

In this report, you will get an overview of what was going on under the auspices of Landbrukets climate and energy center in 2023. The center is located at Mære ...
Vi setter klimaet i spill

We put the climate in play

How can I as a farmer reduce climate emissions from my farm? Finding practical and profitable ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions can be...