
Research and development (R&D) Area

for Companies

At Mære, companies can get help to develop and commercialize their products together with experienced agricultural players.

In order to come up with more climate-smart solutions in agriculture, we want to collaborate with a variety of companies

We facilitate research, development and innovation in all our buildings and on our grounds. We work closely with Skjetlein Videregående Skole, and together we have milk production, pig production, suckling cows, sheep, poultry and horses. We have grass, grain and potato production on the farms and have both conventional and organic land.

In addition to our R&D arenas, we can also offer course locations and access to professionals. We also disseminate results from the trials that are carried out, as well as conduct courses and webinars in close collaboration with those who are here and carrying out projects.

Our test arena

Mære Landbruksskole and Skjetlein Videregående are close partners, and together we manage Norway's largest test arena in agriculture. We have made it possible for companies to use both the land and the buildings to test and verify their products and methods. We assist start-up companies and established companies with: product development through trial and testing, measurement of effect for product/service documentation and access to practical operating facilities, cultivated area and professionals.

Mære test arena

Facilities at Mære:

  • 1050 acres cultivated land/300 acres pasture
    – Cereals, grass and potatoes
  • 500 acres of forest
  • 50 yearlings in dairy barns from 2016
    - 400 tonne quota
    – Milking robot, flat silo and green feeder
  • 32 Hereford suckling cows, barn from 2017
  • 35 winter fora sheep
  • 55 yearling sows in pig barns from 2008
  • Greenhouse – Tomato, flowers, insect lab and energy harvesting
  • Modern machine park

Here you can read more about our farm at Mære

Use and rental of the test arena

We arrange so that the company's project fits into daily operations, and that the right expertise is connected.

Skjetlein test arena

Skjetlein is essentially organically run, and as of today there are these facilities:

  • 925 acres cultivated land
    – Grass and grain
    – infield grazing (82 daa)
  • 1000 acres forest
  • 40 years old
    – 333 tonnes quota
    – Milking robot, flat silo and green feeder
  • 55 winter fora sheep
  • 32 yearlings
  • 3,000 free-range chickens
  • Stable with room for 16 horses
  • Small animal department
  • Greenhouse with small-scale production of tomatoes and herbs
  • Vegetable garden
  • Fruit and berry garden
  • Modern machine park

Use and rental of the test arena

We arrange so that the company's project fits into daily operations, and that the right expertise is connected.

Contact us:

Coordination of Mære resources and agreements:
Rolf Kristian Wensbakk +47 482 85 472

Capital and business development

Mære collaborates with T:lab to get the projects as good as possible. T:lab is part of Siva's incubation programme, and can thus deliver services at a reduced price to companies. In recent years, T:lab has specialized in Agritech companies and capital raising.


T:lab organized the first AgriTech Nordic conference in 2018. The conference proved that there is interest and commitment to having a meeting place where you can share experiences, ideas and opportunities. Start-up companies met investors who became important supporters, local companies started a dialogue with larger players and innovative ideas were presented in an international format. Since then, the conference has been organized every year since, and has established itself as a meeting place for AgriTech; not only in Norway, but also in the Nordic countries. Read more here: Agritech Nordic


Obtaining financing is often a major challenge, even for skilled entrepreneurs. There are a number of public instruments, but there is often a need for investor capital to speed up development. Investors who get in early take a big risk, and it is a demanding job to make them believe that an investment in your company will give them a good return. T:lab has participated in many such rounds, and assists the companies in finding good financing solutions.
Testing and verification of products and methods is an important factor in the process of obtaining investor capital. T:lab also assists in financing this part of the process.

More about T:lab

Head office: Steinkjer, Norway
Geographic catchment area: Norway
Main task: offer help to businesses with reduced prices (state support from SIVA)

T:lab contributes to the company obtaining the resources needed to carry out its projects. It could be the right professionals, researchers or help to finance the project. We also contribute with expertise in business development to create good and focused projects.

Read more at tlab.no

Contact us:

Business development assistance and/or financing of the project:

Silje Vangstad +47 958 97 199

The demo arena

Products and methods that are ready for the market also need an arena to show off. At Mære, it is possible to have demonstrations and presentations to relevant customers and partners.

Agritech Nordic is organized annually, where the day before the main conference there is a safari on Mære. Here, companies can present their innovations and test results. Participants can get a tour.

In addition, Mære is an arena for courses for the agricultural industry regularly throughout the year. Last, but not least, Mære educates the players of the future in green industry in the form of 200 students at the upper secondary school. The pupils take part in the farm work, and are closely linked to other activities on the farm. The students also often participate in experiments.

"We have received a lot of help with both profiling, raising capital and testing our autonomous implement carrier on Mære, which has been essential in the development of Autoagri."

- Jostein Sandvik, Autoagri

Research and development (R&D) Area

Business case



Fibergrow® is a growth medium based on wood fiber from Norwegian spruce. Fibergrow® has a low climate footprint, and with small changes in ...


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NTE Marked

NTE Market

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Orkel develops and manufactures innovative, profitable and solid agricultural machines and industrial machines. Orkel. Photo: Kirsti ...


Agdir's solutions give you a full overview of the growing conditions of your crop. It is very important to be able to make the best decisions for...


The drone company Biodrone wanted to develop a new market within sowing and spraying with drones, but did not have exact data on how effective...
Which companies can use Mære and Skjetlein?

All companies that have an idea or a finished product where we can have an arena for testing or expertise are welcome to get in touch. Newly started or well-established companies - all are equally important.

How can T:lab assist my company?

In recent years, T:lab has specialized in Agritech companies and capital raising. But there is a wide range of services we deliver. Here is a short version:

Business model and brand strategy
Financing strategy (grants, loans and investors)
Sparring on applications
Coaching and progress
Legal aid

Agritech Nordic

T:lab organized the first AgriTech Nordic conference in 2018. The conference proved that there is interest and commitment to having a meeting place where you can share experiences, ideas and opportunities. Start-up companies met investors who became important supporters, local companies started a dialogue with larger players and innovative ideas were presented in an international format. Since then, the conference has been organized every year since, and has established itself as a meeting place for AgriTech; not only in Norway, but also in the Nordic countries.

The main conference takes place in Steinkjer, but has associated events in the surrounding areas. E.g. maybe there can be a safari/tour at interesting places such as Mære agricultural school. 

Read more here: Agritech Nordic

Siva's Incubation Programme

Siva develops, owns and finances a national infrastructure for innovation and business development consisting of incubators, business parks, catapult centres, innovation companies, as well as innovation centers and industrial buildings.

The Siva structure currently consists of 38 business parks, 35 incubators, 5 catapult centres, 71 innovation companies, and 30 real estate companies that collectively own over 100 properties.

The companies are registered with their business address in the Enhetsregisteret, but many companies also have locations in several places. Further information on attendance can be found on the respective websites.

The incubation program for Siva contributes grants, expertise, tools and a national network to 33 incubators covered by the programme.

 In practice, this means that a company that has an innovative idea can get help from an incubator to develop it further without having to pay full price for the service.

Does your company work with something innovative for agriculture?

Get in touch with us!

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