

An increasing interest in recycling and taking care of resources, together with the desire to store more carbon in the soil, makes it interesting to look at composting as a method to take care of what we have considered as waste products from farming. In Mærepodden this time we hear Nat Mead from Sogn jord og hagebrukskole, a pioneer in composting in Norway, and Rita Backer Natvig, who is responsible for the composting initiative at Mære landbrukskole. You will get tips on laying down a compost, what kind of materials it is advisable to use and what to look for during the process itself.  

Listen to the episode from Mærepodden about composting here:

I oktober 2021 arrangerte Mære landbruksskole en fagsamling om kompostering. Vi samlet 15 kompostinteresserte til en fagdag, der vi la opp kompost. og vendte den.  I filmen nedenfor ser du et kort sammendrag fra fagdagen om kompostering. I slutten av filmen ser vi vending av kompost fire uker etter at den ble lagt opp. Det ryker godt, noe som tyder på at komposten er godt i gang med omdanningen. 

7 February 2023

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Rapport for 2023

Report for 2023

In this report, you will get an overview of what was going on under the auspices of Landbrukets climate and energy center in 2023. The center is located at Mære ...