
Solutions for energy use and energy supply at Zero Emissions Farm

Commissioned by Trøndelag county council, AsPlan Viak has produced a report with advice on how Mære agricultural school can use and produce energy to approach the goal of a zero-emission farm. The report also has concrete examples from farms in the district. The work is financed with support from ENOVA. 

The following measures are recommended to go ahead with for the demonstration plant at Mære:

Brief summary of the report and what underlies the priorities:

The report describes the results from the concept study Future's 'zero emission farm' - solutions for energy use and energy supply at Mære agricultural school. The concrete aim of the concept study is to lay a foundation for the County Municipality to make the best possible decisions about investments in the demonstration plant at Mære, related to construction and energy supply. This involves finding solutions that overall provide the best ratio between cost and benefit in order to achieve the goal of the 'zero emission farm'. Here, both existing and future energy and climate solutions on Mære are addressed, and also solutions that will be relevant for typical Norwegian farms (especially in Trøndelag).
Based on the investigation of various technologies, a prioritization of possible measures has been made, which is included as part of the decision-making basis for investments in the demonstration plant at Mære. In addition to the potential for reducing energy, power and greenhouse gas emissions, relevance to farming in general, maturity of technology and market, and the importance of Mære leading the way and demonstrating new technology for agriculture have also been considered. Measures have been proposed within
the three themes; Buildings, materials and agricultural machinery; Energy supply and storage solutions; and Flexibility and management systems.

The report contains mention of many different solutions. The entire report can be read here.

23 March 2023

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