
Learn about methane inhibitors

What is this?
Recording of the event "Methane inhibitors with Harald Volden and Eirik Selmer-Olsen" which was organized by Green competence center Mære-Skjetlein on 1 February 2024.

På Mære landbruksskole ble det sommeren 2023 utført et forsøk med metanhemmeren 3NOP i samarbeid med Nortura m.fl. Prosjektet ble støttet av Handlefondet og Sparebank1SMN Samfunnsutbytte.

For more about the organizer, see gkms.no.

About the event:
One of Norway's leading experts in the field, Harald Volden, shares knowledge about the use of methane inhibitors.

Discussions about the use of methane inhibitors to reduce climate emissions from ruminants have been numerous and loud through 2023. Ethical dilemmas, but also different perceptions of the professional basis for using methane inhibitors, have had a large focus. If you think, like us, that it's a good idea to know more, join us on this webinar.

You will find out more about:

  • What exactly is a methane inhibitor?
  • How does a methane inhibitor work on animals?
  • How does a methane inhibitor affect the climate and the environment?

We will also hear thoughts on how methane inhibitors can become part of the feed recipe for Norwegian livestock in the future.

Together with Harald, Eirik Selmer-Olsen, who is head of MetanHUB, will also participate.

Harald Volden is subject manager at TINE Counseling and professor at NMBU. Harald has been an important contributor in developing sustainable production methods and reducing the climate footprint of livestock.

Eirik Selmer-Olsen is head of research at TINE and head of the MetanHUB project. The project aims to reduce methane emissions from Norwegian milk and meat production by 30 % by 2027.

4 March 2024

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