

Orkel develops and manufactures innovative, profitable and solid agricultural machines and industrial machines.

Orkel. Photo: Kirsti Mehlum

"Orkel chose Innolab Mære for testing because we wanted to spend less time on planning and implementation. The proximity between Mære and Norsk Landbruksrådgiving was practical in terms of follow-up after the test and sampling from round bales. The test would also gain more credibility by having a third party carry it out, and we could get a more independent report on the results. The report then gains greater credibility and value for further use in e.g. introduction and marketing of the new product."​

- Gjermund Kambestad, R&D Manager at Orkel AS

16 March 2023

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Rapport for 2023

Report for 2023

In this report, you will get an overview of what was going on under the auspices of Landbrukets climate and energy center in 2023. The center is located at Mære ...


Fibergrow® is a growth medium based on wood fiber from Norwegian spruce. Fibergrow® has a low climate footprint, and with small changes in ...