
See what we are working on


We have many exciting projects here at Mære, all with a common goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.


Shifting cultivation

The growth cycle at Mære consists of 3-5 years of meadow and 1 year of barley. We also have ryegrass, potatoes, oats and green growth in the growth cycle on parts of ...
Regenerativt landbruk

Regenerative agriculture

In order to counteract climate and environmental threats, agriculture must rethink the world over. Regenerative agriculture is an important measure in this respect. It is a ...
Hva er biokull?

What is biochar?

Biochar is charcoal that is produced by heating biomass such as wood chips and straw at high heat and limited access to oxygen. ...
Beiting og karbonbinding

Grazing and carbon sequestration

Studies from other countries indicate that grazing leads to increased storage of carbon in pasture. This applies particularly to natural pastures. The pastures must...
Karbonprosjektet i Trøndelag

The carbon project in Trøndelag

One of the missions of the Swedish Center for Climate and Energy is to contribute to increased knowledge about the storage of carbon in soil. Together with the others, we have...
Nullutslippsgården i ZEN

The zero-emission farm in ZEN

Our ambition is to approach zero emissions from our farm operations. Through close collaboration with various knowledge communities, in the coming years we will work towards...
Fornybar diesel på traktor

Renewable diesel on tractor

For a year, farmers at Innherred have run their tractors on renewable diesel. They have participated in a field test of renewable diesel. The farmers' ...