See what we are working on
We have many exciting projects here at Mære, all with a common goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.
On behalf of Mære agricultural school, NIBIO has prepared a report on which measures may be relevant to implement to reduce emissions of ...
We get a happier pig if we add root material such as hay, straw, peat or pellets. Ellen Marie Rosvold is a researcher at Nord ...
How can we handle old silos, tallow and horse dung, grass residues, animal manure and tomato residues from the greenhouse in the most sustainable way possible...
The breeding company Geno is breeding a dairy cow with less methane emissions. "The climate contribution could perhaps be as much as 10% lower emissions from...
Can seaweed and kelp in feed for ruminants both reduce methane gas emissions, and at the same time be a good substitute for soy flour? It has Prabhat Khanal,…
With LED lights in red and blue colors placed between the tomato plants in our greenhouse, the yield of tomatoes increases. Primarily because the tomatoes become...
AsPlan Viak has produced a report with advice on how Mære agricultural school can use and produce energy to approach the goal of a zero-emission farm
Can production of raw gas on several farm plants with transport of raw gas to upgrading plants be an alternative to large biogas plants with ...
In the piggery at Mære, we are carrying out trials with new FORMAT concentrated feed for lactating sows on behalf of Felleskjøpet Agri and ...
The pig's need for protein decreases the heavier it gets, overfeeding with protein is bad economics and contributes to climate emissions. To get good...
Experiments carried out on Mære, as part of the research project "Griseløftet". The aim of the project is to achieve even better animal welfare in Norwegian ...
The milk must be cooled and this heat energy can be recovered and used to preheat drinking water and tap water. Requires some more equipment and thus...