
See what we are working on


We have many exciting projects here at Mære, all with a common goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.

Transport av rå biogass

Transport of raw biogas

Can production of raw gas on several farm plants with transport of raw gas to upgrading plants be an alternative to large biogas plants with ...

The pig promise

Experiments carried out on Mære, as part of the research project "Griseløftet". The aim of the project is to achieve even better animal welfare in Norwegian ...
Redusert dieselforbruk

Reduced diesel consumption

Diesel consumption on the farm comes from driving tractors or combines. In addition, it can be used for heating, but we are not looking at that here. ...
Bioenergi fra skogen

Bioenergy from the forest

Forest fuel is trunks, branches, tops, bark and whole trees. Wood has traditionally been the most important fuel from the forest. In recent years, it has been...
Halm som biobrensel

Straw as biofuel

Straw can be used for bedding, fodder, and for the production of bioheat. The use of straw as bioenergy has been increasing in the last ten years. Many farmers...

The Longevity Project 

This is a project managed by Norsvin, the company responsible for pig breeding in Norway. The aim of the project is to find properties...