The pig's need for protein decreases the heavier it gets, overfeeding with protein is bad economics and contributes to climate emissions. In order to achieve good economics in fattening pig production, it is important to have control over how heavy the pig is. To ensure the best possible settlement, it is customary to weigh the pigs before they are registered for slaughter.
Weighing pigs is both time-consuming and heavy work. At Mære, we have been involved in a project under the auspices of Felleskjøpet agri which follows the development of the weight of fattening pigs from insertion to slaughter, in this connection we invested in a system that registers the continuous weight of the pigs. The aim was to find out whether regular weight recording is important for the economy, with a better basis for feeding the pig correctly.
Calculates the weight using a camera
The Pro grow System has been developed by Skov and continuously calculates the weight of the pigs with 97% accuracy. Skov is a Danish company that develops and supplies equipment for livestock rooms, including ventilation.
There are 8 cameras installed in 2 fattening pig departments, these cameras take pictures every time there is a pig underneath, by measuring the outline of the pig the system calculates the weight.
It allows for more accurate feed adjustments and calculation of the right time for delivery.

Data from the weighing is sent to the PC program Farm Online, which also controls the climate in the livestock room, all data from weighing and climate is logged in the program. The log can be used to find out whether changes in temperature and humidity affect the pig's growth. There are also options for connecting a water meter and feed scale that communicate with the program.
Felleskjøpt's growth model
As of today, we do not have a feeding system that communicates directly with Farm Online, we therefore use Felleskjøpet's growth model for fattening pigs to calculate feed utilization by the pigs. There is also advisory data here, which provides a good basis for optimizing feeding. Kine Berntsen Letnes used some of this as the basis for her master's thesis.

Kine Berntsen Letnes works as a professional consultant at Felleskjøpet