
The solar system provides light for the tomatoes

Together with NTE, WEN Energy, Norsk Landbruksrådgiving and Trøndelag County Council, we have built an integrated solar cell system of 192 m² on our dairy cow barn. Power that is produced is delivered to the greenhouse and provides light for the Mære tomatoes. The tomatoes are grown from this year with a large proportion of self-produced energy from the heat storage and solar cells.

Facts about the facility:

  • Roof-integrated plant with "Power optmizers", which optimizes production and raises the safety level of the plant
  • The system is connected to a fire alarm and SD system
  • Number of panels: 120
  • Total output: 34.8 kW
  • Area: 192 m²
  • Number of inverters: 2 (converts solar energy into 400V voltage)
  • Annual energy production: 34,500 kWh

The facility is also designed for R&D, and is used by NTE and WEN Energy with their research partners for the further development of solutions in solar energy and agriculture.

24 March 2023

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