
We build in wood

Building in wood provides a major climate benefit. When we were going to build a new dairy barn, it was a matter of course that as much of the building as possible should be made of wood.

- There was never any question as to whether we should build in wood when we started planning a new dairy barn in 2015. We wanted to build a low-emission barn and then the choice was easy. There is a very big difference between the CO2 footprint of concrete and a wooden building, says Tove Hatling Jystad, Head of Development at Mære agricultural school. - As a bonus, we got a very pleasant and quiet barn, you feel the peace when you walk in, even though it is a big barn, says Jystad.

In total, 225 m3 of wood has been used in the milk barn. On average, increased use of wood will reduce the greenhouse gas load from building materials accordingly 1.6 tonnes of CO2 per m³ of lumber. Our dairy barn may have contributed to a greenhouse gas reduction equivalent to 350 tonnes of CO2.

The dormitories with space for 40 people are also built in wood and further contribute to keeping our greenhouse gas emissions down.

25 March 2023

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Rapport for 2023

Report for 2023

In this report, you will get an overview of what was going on under the auspices of Landbrukets climate and energy center in 2023. The center is located at Mære ...